WE, BC Legal, the insurers, insureds and clients that BC Legal represent act as Data Controller(s)and will process personal information WE obtain from YOU and/or third parties in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
WE may check and/or pass some or all of the personal information supplied to us as Data Controller(s) in connection with YOUR insurance or claim to other insurance companies in order to administer the policy for underwriting and claims handling purposes, to suppliers of goods and services, to regulatory organisations, databases and fraud prevention agencies. Searches may also be completed with such agencies / databases and the information used by the Data Controller(s) for the following reasons:
WE can supply, on request, further information about the databases and agencies WE have described.
WE may use your information to carry out research. It may be necessary to transfer YOUR information to service providers outside the European Economic Area for the purposes described and/or systems administration. WE will take the necessary steps to ensure YOUR privacy is protected. YOU have the right to ask US for a copy of the personal information WE hold about YOU if YOU apply in writing to the Head Office of BC Legal. If necessary, BC Legal will also ensure that the request is forwarded to any other data controllers that BC Legal work for regarding that specific request so they too can reciprocate with YOUR request.